Kenza tror inte hon kommer fortsätta blogga i framtiden.

@Det är inte ofta som Kenza har frågestund men nu har hon haft det på sin instastory. Här nedan kommer dom flesta frågorna och svaren som hon svarat på. Som ni vet så gick Kenza ut med att hon ska ta en längre bloggpaus från och med 4 april. Än idag har pausen inte tagit slut men hon tycker att det är otroligt skönt att inte blogga. Hon är dock osäker på hur det blir i framtiden men hon tror inte att hon kommer fortsätta blogga.

@How many kids do you want?
@Svar: We always said 4 and we still want 4. But because of my condition we dont know how long im fertile but at least one sibling for Nikola would be amazing.

@Har ni några planer på ny lägenhet nu när Nikola börjar bli äldre?
@Svar: Yes were looking for a new apartment but if we wont find anything soon we will turn my walk in closet into Nikolas room.

@Hur känns det att vara utan bloggen?
@Svar: It actually feels good and i feel that it was the right decision for me to take a break from my blog. I havent decided yet if i will quit but i think so.

@Hur sover Nikola nu? Nattrutin? Vikt/längd?
@Svar: He is sleeping fine most of the time (1-2) wake ups per night and falls back asleep quick after some comforting or water) but he still have bad nights sometimes. Like last night, he woke us up maybe oncer every other hour. Our night routine: he gets some porridge, have a bath, then we read a book in the sofa. Then he gets a bottle in bed and falls asleep in our bed with one of us, then we lift him over to his bed. On his 1 year check-up he was 80cm and 11 kg.

@What was Nicolas birth weight?
@Svar: Nikola was 54 cm and 4164 g and looked like a sumo wrestler.

@Does Aleks like your tattos?
@Svar: He hates tattoos. He is so worried every time i go and get a new one but i think he likes some of them like the one he draw.

@Har du kollat status med dina ägg etc sen Nikola föddes, eller tänker ni ta det längre fram?
@Svar: Yes we did that at our old IVF clinik in February, and my levels has gotten worse ofc but im still ovulating so theres still hope for more kids.

@Kommer man kunna köpa din första Alani igen?
@Svar: Ive been getting så many messages about my parfume Alani since i sold out (8000 bottles). Its not coming back, it was limited edition. Sorry. Luckily i have a couple of bottles saved at home cause i just love it so much.

@How was your birth with Nikola since he was so big?
@Svar: U can watch it all on youtube. It was totally fine up until it was time to push. I pushed for hours but his head wouldnt come was the most horrible pain i could ever imagine and i said that i would never do it again. Im surprised i only bursted level 2 out of 4 because it felt like my whole ass cracked open.

@Any travel plans soon?
@Svar: I miss traveling sooooo much. Im so jealous of everyone traveling right now. But we decided to wait and see how everything with corona developes now when borders are open again. If its still ”ok” to travel in september/oktober and the situation has not gotten worse, we might go on a little trip somewhere that feels safe.

2020 07 26 07 49 49 - Stoppa Pressarna

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