Kenza funderar på att resa utomlands i sommar
2021-05-08 | 07:33 | 0 Kommentarer |
@Kenza har svarat på lite frågor angående sommaren och deras barn och här nedan har ni frågorna och svaren.
@Any plans for summer?
@Svar: Nikola will have 8 weeks off från preschool and we will spend a lot of time out at our country house. We are also thinking about visiting some other places in Sweden, like Öland and skåne if there are no restrictions against that. And depending on the situation, restrictions, vaccination etc we might go ans visit Aleks family in Montenegro since they havent met Nikola and Danilo yet. But we will not make any decision about that until later on.
@Any new tattoo ideas?
@Svar: Ofc. I need to put Danilos name somewhere as well. But i dont know where. I kinda like Nikolas tattoo alone there so i dont want it in the same spot.
@What is your job now?
@Svar: I run my own company which is my social media etc. While im also on “maternity leave” with Danilo of course.
@Are you going to take the vaccin?
@Svar: Yes. I will, at first i wanted to wait until i quit breastfeeding, but after discussing it with my doctor i will have it now as soon as they open up the booking for my age. And please you dont have to tell me not to do it. I make my own decisions and fallow the guidelines here in my country. Here they even vaccinate pregnant women now so it feels safe. And to everyone asking, no i have not had covid yet and no one in my family either.
@Hur gick det med vägglössen och grävlingen i stugan på landet?
@Svar: Nej men så konstigt, haft anticimex där två gånger men de hittar inte ens ett enda spår efter vägglöss. Så jag vet inte om vi nånsin haft det? Men jag hittade en krypandes i soffan liksom…kanske kom in med hunden eller något. Vi håller på och fixar staket och gräsmatta nu efter att vildsvinen förvandlade hela trädgården till en gyttjepöl. Så förhoppningsvis är det färdigt lagom till midsommar.
@How many hours can Danilo sleep during the night?
@Svar: He only wakes up for food a couple of times per night and falls back asleep right away, but around 7am he wants to get up from bed. He sleeps better than Nikola.
@How did you put Nikola in his own room?
@Svar: He still sleep in our room in his crib. But since they are not waking each other up at night its totally fine. We just love having him close to us.