Elena Belle lider av PTSD
2020-08-30 | 20:03 | 0 Kommentarer |
@Det är bara 6 månader sedan Elena Belles man gick bort och det finns en del som tror att hon mår hur bra som helst. En del frågar även henne om hon ens saknar sin bortgågna man.
@Nu har hon gett ett svar på detta, hon berättar bland annat att hon lider av PTSD på grund av det som hänt.
@Såhär skriver hon:
@”I know some of you think that i`m doing so good with my grieving and my life. But the truth is that I´m not, i´m suffering from severe PTSD. I thought that it will improve with time, but no is just getting worse. I keep thinking something could happen to Luna and having this really intense thoughts. This has now taken control over my life so i realize i need help.
@So my question is if anyone with similar problems have a solution. I really dont wanna get medical but are willing to try different treatments. Hypnosis is an option i think. But if you have advise för me please DM me and if you know anyone good in LA let me know. I´m also freaking out about attrcting bad things with my worries and thoughts. I really need to fix this now. I really miss being myself.”